Minimalist Web Information Technologies inc.

Yandex Webmaster Tools

Minimalist Web › Yandex Webmaster Tools

It is necessary to add the website to the Yandex Search engine and report the pages with the sitemap, to monitor and intervene in search query reports.

Yandex Webmaster Tools

Yandex Webmaster Tools is a free search engine optimization tool for optimizing websites, just like Google Search Center and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Yandex Webmaster Tools are very important for adding your website to the Yandex search engine and tracking its performance. Plus, Yandex Webmaster has different tools for each operation. You can get the performance you want from your website by using separate tools for many different processes such as tracking your website traffic, adding maps, and easily managing pages. This is why your website should be added to Yandex Webmaster Tools.

Reference :

To be continued...

This page was added on 27.08.2021 . It was last updated on 11.09.2021 . You can see the update times on other pages from the Update History page.

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Opening faster than 1.5 seconds on average worldwide; With PWA, we have developed our special software that can be installed on smartphones and computers like applications and can create websites that allow offline access. Over 10 thousand hours of experience in PHP, CSS, Javascript, HTML5 for minimum code, maximum speed, high performance and better user experience!
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E-A-T (Authotitativenes) : Online Marketing | Dijital Marketing |
Our articles; In Turkish Google searches such as "online marketing", "how to do online marketing", "original content", "how to write original content", it is shown in the first place with ~30 million results worldwide!

E-A-T (Trustworthiness) : Search Engine and Marketplace |
We provide businesses with professional online marketing and competitive e-commerce. We also provide users with only verified results, with the fastest pages, for the best experience!

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