Minimalist Web Information Technologies inc.

Site Hierarchy

Minimalist Web › Site Hierarchy

If the site hierarchy is done correctly, the bounce rate will decrease and the time to stay on the site will increase. Site hierarchy effects user experience.

Site Hierarchy

Site hierarchy refers to optimizing the website for the user and organizing the site with the right setup. It is generally planned before creating the website.

Site hierarchy is very important to increase the time spent on the website and the user experience. A properly established website can maximize the efficiency to be obtained from the website. The sequencing of the pages must be done right for a good hierarchy, and this should make the user stay on the website longer. Care should be taken to create in-site linking on each page.

References :

To be continued...

This page was added on 27.08.2021 . It was last updated on 28.09.2021 . You can see the update times on other pages from the Update History page.

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