Minimalist Web › Website SEO Package
All-In-One Search Engine Optimization (SEO)SEO should be done constantly, monitored and improved. Search Engine Optimization requires expertise.

- Unrivaled and impeccable 100% Technical SEO advantage.
- Competitive Organic SEO opportunity.
- Google, Yandex, Bing indexing, monitoring and reporting.
- Good website design suitable for the activity and the concept.
- Products sales with credit card. Instant e-commerce.
Now Online Marketing (Online Marketing) is indispensable in our lives. Moreover, competition is increasing rapidly. Especially small businesses have started to become unable to continue their trade due to the large e-commerce investments of large investors. Not only does this increase unfair competition but also undermines the efforts and investments made by small businesses over the years. In fact, with the effects of high unemployment rates, many entrepreneurs with no knowledge and experience are able to open stores on large e-commerce platforms easily and make sales agreements without any inventory with producers. Unfortunately, producers also support this approach. In fact, they are joining many platforms directly.
As such, small businesses see being included in these platforms as the solution and they end up in a position of not being able to hold anyone accountable in their own business; and the risks are not just limited to this. The end up having to keep up with the standards of e-commerce platforms and risk the high commissions but they are unable to hold anyone accountable. None of the e-commerce companies pledge a high turnover to the store owners. Something that cannot be held accountable cannot be managed, when it cannot be managed it cannot be controlled and something that is uncontrollable is unpredictable and cannot be developed.
Don’t leave your business to change. Invest in your own business. Of course, you can’t plant a seed and expect to harvest the next day. If you select a seed that you know or can learn, choose the right soil for it, plant it in the right season and take good care of the product, you can aim to get a better harvest. This will enable you also to take precautions against unforeseen weather conditions and market conditions, but if you do not take these realities into consideration each stage will disappoint you and you will never get beyond crisis management.
We are nearly unrivaled on an international scale in the subjects of user-friendly websites and effective SEO requirements and with our expertise in several fields that are open for everyone to test, we enable you to start out 1-0 ahead in computers and 2-0 ahead in smart telephones. We implement, optimize and manage the fastest website, all the stages of SEO and online marketing requirements in the most ideal way for you. By managing your regular software updates, competitor and market research, original content, competitive Google Search ads and Facebook and Instagram ads; we become just like your effective and sustainable online marketing developer.
A Chinese proverb says: Don't get support without standing on your own feet. You never know when your support will fall. When support collapses, you collapse too. Get support after standing on your own feet. Even if the support is destroyed, you will not be destroyed.
Invest in your own business, online marketing and e-commerce. While this investment continues to develop, include other options further down the line to increase your marketing power.
This page was added on 26.08.2021 . It was last updated on 15.11.2023 . You can see the update times on other pages from the Update History page.
E-A-T (Expertise) :
Opening faster than 1.5 seconds on average worldwide; With PWA, we have developed our special software that can be installed on smartphones and computers like applications and can create websites that allow offline access. Over 10 thousand hours of experience in PHP, CSS, Javascript, HTML5 for minimum code, maximum speed, high performance and better user experience!
Isfendiyar YUCEL's
Twitter profile @basitamazor
Instagram profile @isfendiyaryucel
E-A-T (Authotitativenes) : Online Marketing | Dijital Marketing |
Our articles; In Turkish Google searches such as "online marketing", "how to do online marketing", "original content", "how to write original content", it is shown in the first place with ~30 million results worldwide!
E-A-T (Trustworthiness) : Search Engine and Marketplace |
We provide businesses with professional online marketing and competitive e-commerce. We also provide users with only verified results, with the fastest pages, for the best experience!